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Montana waterfowl season- Montana waterfowl season
Freezout Lake Wildlife Management Area was purchased in and subsequently developed into its current status consisting of the main Freezout Lake, Priest Butte Lake, and associated ponds. The WMA is managed primarily for waterfowl production and public hunting and viewing opportunity but also provides habitat for upland game birds.
There is year-round access for viewing a variety of wildlife, but it is the spring snow goose migration that gets the most attention. Up to 60, snow geese along with 5, swans can be observed on the best of days at the WMA.
The importance of this wetland is beyond measure as these birds migrate thousands of miles from winter to summer grounds needing to rest on the lake and feed in the surrounding farm fields. The WMA is a mix of cultivated grain fields, seasonally flooded grasslands, and wooded uplands. The property abuts the U. Development pressure and the critical importance of this area to migratory waterfowl was the driving force behind the acquisition of the North Shore WMA.
A Flashback to see why Freezout Lake is a popular spring-time tradition. Snow geese arriving at Freezout Lake is a springtime ritual rivaled by few outdoor experiences. The birds rest here on their migration journey from California to their nesting grounds in the Canadian arctic. Buy and apply. Montana provides migrating wildlife a resting and feeding place for innumerable waterfowl during both fall and spring migration. Average minimum spring white goose migration counts : minimum spring daily white goose observations:.
Sandhill Crane.
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